
Awards to Zoroastrian Studens

Per our previous announcement (original copy attached), we are pleased to announce the selection of four Zoroastrian students to receive $5000.00 each for a total of $20,000.00 towards their educational expenses.

Our special thanks goes to Massiah Foundation for their vision and foresight, World Zoroastrian Organization and ERSF of UK for their full support and matching fund of US $10,000.00 and many Zoroastrian students who applied for these 4 scholarships across US.

Each and every applicant will receive an individual recognition letter through mail and we invite all to participate in the public ceremony for hading out the scholarship awards, which will take place in this fall, at California Zoroastrian Center or some other appropriate place.

Once the 4 winners have received their personal acknowledgments, we will announce their names.

On behalf of the committee
Khosro E. Mehrfar